
We want to alter the price of the second tennis court so that it costs 10% more than the first one. Try to do this without using constant values for the prices, so that we can reuse the statement if we want to.
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Expected Results

facid name membercost guestcost initialoutlay monthlymaintenance
0 Tennis Court 1 5 25 10000 200
1 Tennis Court 2 5.5 27.5 8000 200
2 Badminton Court 0 15.5 4000 50
3 Table Tennis 0 5 320 10
4 Massage Room 1 35 80 4000 3000
5 Massage Room 2 35 80 4000 3000
6 Squash Court 3.5 17.5 5000 80
7 Snooker Table 0 5 450 15
8 Pool Table 0 5 400 15

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update cd.facilities facs
        membercost = (select membercost * 1.1 from cd.facilities where facid = 0),
        guestcost = (select guestcost * 1.1 from cd.facilities where facid = 0)
    where facs.facid = 1;          

Updating columns based on calculated data is not too intrinsically difficult: we can do so pretty easily using subqueries. You can see this approach in our selected answer.

As the number of columns we want to update increases, standard SQL can start to get pretty awkward: you don't want to be specifying a separate subquery for each of 15 different column updates. Postgres provides a nonstandard extension to SQL called UPDATE...FROM that addresses this: it allows you to supply a FROM clause to generate values for use in the SET clause. Example below:

update cd.facilities facs
        membercost = facs2.membercost * 1.1,
        guestcost = facs2.guestcost * 1.1
    from (select * from cd.facilities where facid = 0) facs2
    where facs.facid = 1;
Take a look at UPDATE FROM in the PostgreSQL documentation.

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