How can you produce a list of bookings on the day of 2012-09-14 which will cost the member (or guest) more than $30? Remember that guests have different costs to members (the listed costs are per half-hour 'slot'), and the guest user is always ID 0. Include in your output the name of the facility, the name of the member formatted as a single column, and the cost. Order by descending cost.
select member, facility, cost from ( select mems.firstname || ' ' || mems.surname as member, as facility, case when mems.memid = 0 then bks.slots*facs.guestcost else bks.slots*facs.membercost end as cost from cd.members mems inner join cd.bookings bks on mems.memid = bks.memid inner join cd.facilities facs on bks.facid = facs.facid where bks.starttime >= '2012-09-14' and bks.starttime < '2012-09-15' ) as bookings where cost > 30 order by cost desc;
This answer provides a mild simplification to the previous iteration: in the no-subquery version, we had to calculate the member or guest's cost in both the WHERE clause and the CASE statement. In our new version, we produce an inline query that calculates the total booking cost for us, allowing the outer query to simply select the bookings it's looking for. For reference, you may also see subqueries in the FROM clause referred to as inline views.