select mems.firstname || ' ' || mems.surname as member, as facility, case when mems.memid = 0 then bks.slots*facs.guestcost else bks.slots*facs.membercost end as cost from cd.members mems inner join cd.bookings bks on mems.memid = bks.memid inner join cd.facilities facs on bks.facid = facs.facid where bks.starttime >= '2012-09-14' and bks.starttime < '2012-09-15' and ( (mems.memid = 0 and bks.slots*facs.guestcost > 30) or (mems.memid != 0 and bks.slots*facs.membercost > 30) ) order by cost desc;
This is a bit of a complicated one! While its more complex logic than we've used previously, there's not an awful lot to remark upon. The WHERE clause restricts our output to sufficiently costly rows on 2012-09-14, remembering to distinguish between guests and others. We then use a CASE statement in the column selections to output the correct cost for the member or guest.