select name, month, round((100*slots)/ cast( 25*(cast((month + interval '1 month') as date) - cast (month as date)) as numeric),1) as utilisation from ( select as name, date_trunc('month', starttime) as month, sum(slots) as slots from cd.bookings bks inner join cd.facilities facs on bks.facid = facs.facid group by facs.facid, month ) as inn order by name, month
The meat of this query (the inner subquery) is really quite simple: an aggregation to work out the total number of slots used per facility per month. If you've covered the rest of this section and the category on aggregates, you likely didn't find this bit too challenging.
This query does, unfortunately, have some other complexity in it: working out the number of days in each month. We can calculate the number of days between two months by subtracting two timestamps with a month between them. This, unfortunately, gives us back on interval datatype, which we can't use to do mathematics. In this case we've worked around that limitation by converting our timestamps into dates before subtracting. Subtracting date types gives us an integer number of days.
A alternative to this workaround is to convert the interval into an epoch value: that is, a number of seconds. To do this use EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM month)/(24*60*60). This is arguably a much nicer way to do things, but is much less portable to other database systems.