
Let's try adding the spa to the facilities table again. This time, though, we want to automatically generate the value for the next facid, rather than specifying it as a constant. Use the following values for everything else:

  • Name: 'Spa', membercost: 20, guestcost: 30, initialoutlay: 100000, monthlymaintenance: 800.
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Expected Results

facid name membercost guestcost initialoutlay monthlymaintenance
0 Tennis Court 1 5 25 10000 200
1 Tennis Court 2 5 25 8000 200
2 Badminton Court 0 15.5 4000 50
3 Table Tennis 0 5 320 10
4 Massage Room 1 35 80 4000 3000
5 Massage Room 2 35 80 4000 3000
6 Squash Court 3.5 17.5 5000 80
7 Snooker Table 0 5 450 15
8 Pool Table 0 5 400 15
9 Spa 20 30 100000 800

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insert into cd.facilities
    (facid, name, membercost, guestcost, initialoutlay, monthlymaintenance)
    select (select max(facid) from cd.facilities)+1, 'Spa', 20, 30, 100000, 800;          

In the previous exercises we used VALUES to insert constant data into the facilities table. Here, though, we have a new requirement: a dynamically generated ID. This gives us a real quality of life improvement, as we don't have to manually work out what the current largest ID is: the SQL command does it for us.

Since the VALUES clause is only used to supply constant data, we need to replace it with a query instead. The SELECT statement is fairly simple: there's an inner subquery that works out the next facid based on the largest current id, and the rest is just constant data. The output of the statement is a row that we insert into the facilities table.

While this works fine in our simple example, it's not how you would generally implement an incrementing ID in the real world. Postgres provides SERIAL types that are auto-filled with the next ID when you insert a row. As well as saving us effort, these types are also safer: unlike the answer given in this exercise, there's no need to worry about concurrent operations generating the same ID.

You can calculate data to insert using subqueries.

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