
The club is adding a new facility - a spa. We need to add it into the facilities table. Use the following values:

  • facid: 9, Name: 'Spa', membercost: 20, guestcost: 30, initialoutlay: 100000, monthlymaintenance: 800.
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Expected Results

facid name membercost guestcost initialoutlay monthlymaintenance
0 Tennis Court 1 5 25 10000 200
1 Tennis Court 2 5 25 8000 200
2 Badminton Court 0 15.5 4000 50
3 Table Tennis 0 5 320 10
4 Massage Room 1 35 80 4000 3000
5 Massage Room 2 35 80 4000 3000
6 Squash Court 3.5 17.5 5000 80
7 Snooker Table 0 5 450 15
8 Pool Table 0 5 400 15
9 Spa 20 30 100000 800

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insert into cd.facilities
    (facid, name, membercost, guestcost, initialoutlay, monthlymaintenance)
    values (9, 'Spa', 20, 30, 100000, 800);          

INSERT INTO ... VALUES is the simplest way to insert data into a table. There's not a whole lot to discuss here: VALUES is used to construct a row of data, which the INSERT statement inserts into the table. It's a simple as that.

You can see that there's two sections in parentheses. The first is part of the INSERT statement, and specifies the columns that we're providing data for. The second is part of VALUES, and specifies the actual data we want to insert into each column.

If we're inserting data into every column of the table, as in this example, explicitly specifying the column names is optional. As long as you fill in data for all columns of the table, in the order they were defined when you created the table, you can do something like the following:

insert into cd.facilities values (9, 'Spa', 20, 30, 100000, 800);

Generally speaking, for SQL that's going to be reused I tend to prefer being explicit and specifying the column names.

INSERT can be used to insert data into a table.

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