
How can you output a list of all members, including the individual who recommended them (if any)? Ensure that results are ordered by (surname, firstname).
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Expected Results

memfname memsname recfname recsname
Florence Bader Ponder Stibbons
Anne Baker Ponder Stibbons
Timothy Baker Jemima Farrell
Tim Boothe Tim Rownam
Gerald Butters Darren Smith
Joan Coplin Timothy Baker
Erica Crumpet Tracy Smith
Nancy Dare Janice Joplette
David Farrell
Jemima Farrell
Matthew Genting Gerald Butters
John Hunt Millicent Purview
David Jones Janice Joplette
Douglas Jones David Jones
Janice Joplette Darren Smith
Anna Mackenzie Darren Smith
Charles Owen Darren Smith
David Pinker Jemima Farrell
Millicent Purview Tracy Smith
Tim Rownam
Henrietta Rumney Matthew Genting
Ramnaresh Sarwin Florence Bader
Darren Smith
Darren Smith
Jack Smith Darren Smith
Tracy Smith
Ponder Stibbons Burton Tracy
Burton Tracy
Hyacinth Tupperware
Henry Worthington-Smyth Tracy Smith

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select mems.firstname as memfname, mems.surname as memsname, recs.firstname as recfname, recs.surname as recsname
		cd.members mems
		left outer join cd.members recs
			on recs.memid = mems.recommendedby
order by memsname, memfname;          

Let's introduce another new concept: the LEFT OUTER JOIN. These are best explained by the way in which they differ from inner joins. Inner joins take a left and a right table, and look for matching rows based on a join condition (ON). When the condition is satisfied, a joined row is produced. A LEFT OUTER JOIN operates similarly, except that if a given row on the left hand table doesn't match anything, it still produces an output row. That output row consists of the left hand table row, and a bunch of NULLS in place of the right hand table row.

This is useful in situations like this question, where we want to produce output with optional data. We want the names of all members, and the name of their recommender if that person exists. You can't express that properly with an inner join.

As you may have guessed, there's other outer joins too. The RIGHT OUTER JOIN is much like the LEFT OUTER JOIN, except that the left hand side of the expression is the one that contains the optional data. The rarely-used FULL OUTER JOIN treats both sides of the expression as optional.

Try investigating the LEFT OUTER JOIN.

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